Everything about the conditions of putting

Although they are real for -profit companies, the Online casinos offer Internet users and their customers, a multitude of bonuses. The objective thus pursued is not only to develop their customer portfolio by attracting Internet users, but also, to retain their members. Generally taking, the form of without deposit bonuses, these generous offers sometimes also translate, by a without deposit bonus. If they are not lacking in attraction, the virtual casinos bonuses are accompanied, for the most part, of specific conditions of access called ‘’ Conditions of bets ’’. Discover in this article everything you need to know about this concept.

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1 Welcome Bonus 120% to the height of 1200$ To playTortuga Casino Revue
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3 Welcome Bonus 100% up to 3000$ et 100 Free towers To playPlayRegal Casino Revue
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10 Bonus without deposit 10 FS + deposit bonus 1000$ + 125 Free towers To playHaz Casino Revue

What is a bet?

It is important to get an idea of the definition of a bet before discovering what the conditions of bet are. This is a polysemic term. However, we will only remember one meaning. In the context of online casinos, a bet designates a more or less important amount of money invested in the course of a game. To bet is therefore, decide to play with money. Note that the term ‘’ pari ’’ merges with that of ‘’ bet ’’.

What are the conditions for

Still called ‘’ requirements of bet ’, the conditions of bet simply relate to a determined number of times that a rewarded bettor of a bonus must bet the money from this bonus as well as the amount deposited before having the possibility of withdrawing the bonus and its earnings. It is a variety of rules that apply from the welcome bonus.

How do the stake conditions work?

Certain conditions are optional while others are not. Regarding the conditions for putting inherent in the bonuses offered by the playgrounds, they are compulsory. In other words, there is no way to get around them to quickly withdraw. You must, therefore, necessarily respect each of these requirements of bet. But, why are the conditions of bet and how to obtain the bonus? On which games to bet? What about free towers?

The reasons for the enactment of the requirements of

As presented above, the requirements of putting constitute a real source of trouble for bettors, in particular, beginners. And yet they are justified. First, the development of betting conditions is a response of online casinos to their need for protection against players exclusively interested in the welcome bonus offered by these fun establishments. These are players whose only intention is to register to be able to withdraw the amount corresponding to the bonus and to disappear. It goes without saying that allowing such bettors to satisfy their greed, would prevent virtual casinos from building a stable and therefore closing customer portfolio from the worst case.

Then, the establishment of requirements for putting by playful companies is justified by the need to prevent any act of money laundering. Indeed, offering bonuses without accompanying them with stake conditions would be a way of opening a boulevard to criminals and allowing them to easily whiten money.

The approach to follow to benefit from the bonus

Wondering how to access a bonus with an online casino? Note that the approach is very simple. The fun establishments offer several bonuses. But, the first and the most attractive are the welcome bonus. To benefit from this offer, you must first choose a game site and fill out the registration form. Second, you will have to recharge your account. Once you have filled all these formalities, the casino will grant you the Welcome Bonus. However, this bonus can take the form of a pack spread over your first deposits.

Regarding other bonuses, they are only accessible during your fun career. They include periodic promotions and a loyalty program, the latter depending on your regularity.

The conditions of bet and the games

It is essential to know that you cannot bet on any game to meet the requirements of bet. Bonuses are intended to be used on a specific game or category of games. In addition, not all games have the same share of contribution to the requirements of bet. To quickly beat these requirements, you must, therefore, choose the games on which to bet. Favor slot machines, because they have a part of a 100 % contribution to the conditions of bet.

The conditions of bet and free towers

Some bonuses offered by online casinos are flanked by Free Spins. The latter must be integrated into your process of satisfaction with the conditions of bet. Indeed, as the bonus amount, you must bet the earnings obtained by playing the free towers a determined number of times. Supposing you have won $ 200 with free spins. If the casino stake conditions are X50, your total bet will be $ 10,000.

How to calculate the requirements of bet?

As indicated above, the conditions of bets represent a precise number of times that you must bet the bonus and the amount of the deposit. It will then be necessary to determine with accuracy the value of your bets (the amount of the bonus) as well as the value of the total bet to comply with the rules. The calculation of the bet requirements is a thousand leagues to be a headache. To get there, you only have to calculate the bonus amount first using the rule of 3 and to multiply the result by the number of times you must bet to determine the amount of the total bet. The formula for calculating the requirements of bet then presents as follows:

(Amount of the bonus) x (requirement of bet) = total bet

For example, for a deposit of 40 $, a welcome bonus of 100%, the amount of the bonus is 40 $. If the location conditions display X30, before you can make a withdrawal of money, you must bet a total of $ 1,200.

As a second example, let us take the case where the online casino offers a 75% deposit bonus knowing that the bet requirements are X10. When you make an amount of $ 100, the bonus amount is $ 75. You must then bet a total of $ 750 before you can remove your earnings.

What are the advantages of the bonus without bet?

Still known as ‘’Bonus without deposit‘’, The bonus without bet is an offer found on certain fun establishments. Unlike the others, it is a bonus not associated with a deposit. In other words, you can benefit from it without recharging your player.

The bonus without bet allows the player to discover the casino on which he registered. Clearly, it offers him the opportunity to explore the site, to appreciate the ergonomics, to try the games and to see the bonuses and promotions available. However, it should be noted that the without deposit bonus is delivered with some conditions. In addition, thanks to this generous offer, the bettor can control the reliability and safety of the games room. In view of the above, this type of bonus can be considered the most beneficial for the player.

Are the low betting bonuses attractive?

There is no shortage of bonuses on online casinos. However, the value of these bonuses varies from one establishment to another. Thus, while certain offers are considerable, others may seem derisory: these are the low betting bonuses. Despite their low value, these bonuses remain and remain good to take. Because, they have the same advantages as any other generous offer. It is better to benefit from it than not to have it.

Can the conditions of bet be avoided or exceeded?

The requirements of bet, as we have specified above, are compulsory rules. As such, they are imposed on all members of a virtual games room. It is deduced from it that it is impossible to avoid or exceed the conditions of bonus. Either you respect them to benefit from them and have the possibility of withdrawing your earnings, or you snub them with the consequence, the impossibility of making a withdrawal.

However, you can, if you want to make a withdrawal, give up the bonus. This is the only way you have.


In the world of online casinos, bonuses can be assimilated to essentials. To fully take advantage of it, it will be necessary, however, in certain cases, to comply with conditions of bet. Although it is boring, respect for these rules is far from complex.

Frequently Asked Questions

The conditions of bet simply relate, to a determined number of times that a rewarded bettor of a bonus must bet the money of this bonus as well as the amount deposited before having the possibility of withdrawing the bonus and its earnings.

You must first know the amount of the bonus using the rule of 3 and to multiply the result by the number of times you must bet to determine the amount of the total bet.

You can bet on table games and slot machines. However, note that the slot machines contribute 100% to the conditions of bet.

You must bet the earnings obtained by playing free towers the number of times specified by the requirements of bet.